Scott Love
Scott Love
Scott A. Love
Facial blushing and feather fluffing are indicators of emotions in domestic fowl (Gallus gallus domesticus)
Sheep (Ovis aries) training protocol for voluntary awake and unrestrained structural brain MRI acquisitions
Exploration of skin redness and immunoglobulin A as markers of the affective states of hens
Differences in audiovisual temporal processing in autistic adults are specific to simultaneity judgments
The use and impact of auditory stimulation in animals
“BAA, BAA”: Can Sheep Talk to Each Other?
A novel male Japanese quail structural connectivity atlas using ultra-high field diffusion MRI at 11.7 T
Maternal deprivation and milk replacement affect the integrity of gray and white matter in the developing lamb brain
A Baboon Brain Atlas for Magnetic Resonance Imaging and Positron Emission Tomography Image Analysis
Combining the senses: the role of experience- and task-dependent mechanisms in the development of audiovisual simultaneity perception
Object and food novelty induce distinct patterns of c-fos immunoreactivity in amygdala and striatum in domestic male chicks (Gallus gallus domesticus)
Overlapping but Divergent Neural Correlates Underpinning Audiovisual Synchrony and Temporal Order Judgments
Familiarity and Voice Representation: From Acoustic-Based Representation to Voice Averages
Left Brain Asymmetry of the Planum Temporale in a Nonhominid Primate: Redefining the Origin of Brain Specialization for Language
The average baboon brain: MRI templates and tissue probability maps from 89 individuals
A practical guide for the identification of major sulcogyral structures of the human cortex
Social decisions affect neural activity to perceived dynamic gaze
Neural Bases for Social Attention in Healthy Humans
The role of kinematics in cortical regions for continuous human motion perception
A Psychophysical Investigation of Differences Between Synchrony and Temporal Order Judgments
Uni- and multisensory brain areas are synchronised across spectators when watching unedited dance recordings
Perceiving intention in animacy displays created from human motion
Crossmodal Integration of Emotional Stimuli in Alcohol Dependence
Cerebral Correlates and Statistical Criteria of Cross-Modal Face and Voice Integration
Effects of Experience, Training and Expertise on Multisensory Perception: Investigating the Link between Brain and Behavior
Action expertise reduces brain activity for audiovisual matching actions: an fMRI study with expert drummers